Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Raptor migration festival weekend

a snowy owl and golden eagle in Pateros
The Third Annual Raptor Migration Festival was a great time this year with many participants enjoying the weekend.  The weather held out for a weekend of great raptor viewing at Chelan Ridge and Harts Pass.  The North Cascades Basecamp was proud to be involved with face painting at Pateros Memorial Park. 

A crowd joined us at the Basecamp on Saturday night for summer squash soup and homemade bread, live raptors from WSU Raptor Rehab Center, and a great presentation by Jim Watson (WDFW Raptor Research Biologist) about his collective 40 years of studying raptor migrations.  Jim led another 15 participants up to Harts Pass on Sunday morning to watch more of the migration magic.  The highlight of the day was continual great views of 2 juvenile prairie falcons unsuccessfully hunting a hoary marmot (quite a sight indeed) and resting on rock and tree perches at the Slate Peak parking area.  We watched over 40 birds in their migration south, catching those thermals and riding the gusty winds.  Happy travels and we’ll see you next year! 

Harts Pass field trip
Raptors observed at Harts Pass on Sunday, September 9th, 2012
sharp shinned hawk- 12
red tailed hawk-15
golden eagle-1
prairie falcon- 2 juv, 1 ad fem
unidentified falcon- 2
merlin- 3
osprey- 1
American kestral- 2
harrier hawk- 1
coopers hawk- 1

1 comment:

  1. Would have loved to see these majestic raptors! Looks like it was a perfect day.
