Many of the Mountain
Alders (Alnus incana subsp tenuifolia) in the Mazama area appear to be infected with
the fungal disease Alder Tongue Gall (Taphrina
Mountain alders are a dominant, deciduous tree species in riparian zones in Washington and Oregon that often forms thickets (Filip). It is a small to medium sized tree, usually growing to around 50 to 65 feet with a maximum lifespan of 60 to 100 years. A. incana has smooth gray bark, matt green ovoid leaves, and catkins reaching 5 -10 cm in length (male) or 1.5 cm long (female). Its tiny seeds are borne in egg-shaped cones, 2-3 cm long and 1-2 cm in diameter (Flora of North America).
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A healthy A. incana in bloom. .Joe F. Duft. USDA NRCS. 1992. Western wetland flora: Field office guide to plant species. West Region, Sacramento. |
Mountain alders are important trees in their riparian ecosystems. During
the summer, A. incana provides
critical shade to wildlife and the rivers they grow near, keeping the water at
a cooler temperature vital for fish (Fillip). In addition, alders are pioneer species,
meaning they are one of the first plants to colonize a disrupted or damaged
ecosystem. To do so, alders have adaptations that allow them to grow even when
conditions are not ideal. One such adaptation is their symbiosis
with nitrogen-fixing bacteria that absorb nitrogen from the air and make
it available for use by the trees (Tree Species Compendium). The alders' early
presence in an ecosystem increases the amount of available nitrogen in the
soil, making it possible for more vegetative species to follow (Featherstone).
The Native Americans
also recognized the importance of the Mountain Alder and used it medicinally to
treat anemia, internal bleeding, urinary problems, sprains, bruises, backaches,
itches, dysentery, and hemorrhoids. They also used it as an emetic, a compress
or wash for sore eyes, to cure saddle gall in horses, and when mixed with
powdered bumblebees, to ease painful labors (Flora of North America).
you take a peek around the valley this winter, many of the flowering parts of
these alders look a bit strange. Clumps of curly, tangled, ribbon-like
structures project from many of the cones- signs of the alder tongue gall.
Infected Mountain Alder near the bridge at Basecamp. |
fungus Taphrina alni, originating
from the geographical area of Austria and Slovakia, is one of the almost 100
species in the ascomycete genus Taphrina,
which is characterized by its parasitic mycelial state on a number of
vascular plants. One of the ways in which the species are differentiated
includes their host plants (Rodrigues). T. alni
specifically infects Alders, producing ‘tongue-like’ growths originating
either from the bracteoles, in which case the growth points down, or the catkin
ovarian tissue, in which case it points upwards. When the catkin is still
green, T. alni develops as a flat
projection and grows outward between the scales (Bacigalova). Throughout the season, the colors of
the gall change with the trees, and remain hard and brown on the catkin until
the tree drops them. T. alni spores are produced on the infected
cones and are transferred via wind to other trees. While it has been stated that T. alni causes no measureable damage to
Alders, the gall is persistent and seems quite widespread in the valley,
warranting further research and observation before we can be sure (Wikipedia Contributors).
T. Alni-infected catkin from an Alder at Basecamp |
Catkins from an Alder at Basecamp with minimal Alder Tongue Gall growths |
Alder Tongue Gall projections removed from the catkin they grew on |
It will be interesting to keep watch on the Mountain Alders in the valley to see whether animals are less likely to eat seeds from affected cones, if the presence of the gall increases over the coming years, or if the gall causes any other changes to these trees that are so important to our ecosystem.
K., Lopandic, K., Rodrigues, et al. 2003. Phenotypic and genotypic
identification and phylogenetic characterisation of taphrina fungi on alder. Mycological
Progress. 2(3), 179-196. doi:
Ellis, H.A.
2001. Cecidology. 16:1.
AW. Species Profile: Common Alder. Trees For Life.
GM, Parks, CA, and Starr GL 1992 Incidence of Wound-Associated Infection by Cytospora sp. in Mountain Alder,
Red-Osier Dogwood, and Black Hawthorn in Oregon. Northwest Science.
Flora of North America Editorial Committee,
eds. 1993+. Flora of North America North of Mexico. 16+
vols. New York and Oxford.
Tree Species Compendium, Tree Species
Rodriguez, M.G. & Fonseca, A. 2003. Molecular
systematics of the dimorphic ascomycete genus Taphrina. IJSEM. 53: 607-616. doi: 10.1099/ijs.0.02437-0
Wikipedia Contributers. 2012. Taphrina alni. In
Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved January 14, 2013, from
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